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Home > What is IQFA ? > Involved laboratories > Paris & metropolitan area > Laboratoire Systèmes de Référence Temps-Espace (SYRTE)

Microwave Frequency Metrology (FMO)

by Sebastien_Tanzilli - published on

Main contact : Jocelyne Guéna
Other contacts : Philippe Laurent
Michel Abgrall
Stéphane Guérandel
Emeric de Clercq
Baptiste Chupin
David Holleville

Research activities:

The group metrology at microwave frequencies at SYRTE, Observatoire de Paris, is developing cesium and rubidium atomic clocks following three main orientations:

  • cold atom fountain clocks contributing to the definition of the second of the international system of units and to the generation of national and international time references;
  • compact atomic clocks, for industrial and space applications;
  • participation to the ACES/PHARAO space mission, including the cold atom clock PHARAO.

For more information: see online FMO @ SYRTE