Main contact: | Isabelle Zaquine | |
Other contacts: | Romain Alléaume |
Research activities:
The Quantum Information group at Télécom ParisTech is part of the Network and Computer Science Department (INFRES), and the CNRS Laboratoire Traitement et Communication de l’Information (LTCI, UMR 5141). Our research covers both theoretical and experimental aspects of quantum information processing and communications. In particular, our interests are centered around the role of entanglement in quantum information protocols, the design and implementation of quantum cryptographic primitives in realistic environments, and the study of quantum networks, from the optimization and security of currently available quantum cryptography networks to the implementation of advanced fully quantum networks. These research objectives are pursued in the context of several projects funded by the Agence Nationale de la Recherche and the European Commission. We actively participate in teaching quantum computation and quantum communications at the undergraduate and Master’s level at Télécom ParisTech. Since 2009, our group organizes the "Quantum Information in Paris (QuPa)" seminar series.
For more information: see online Quantum Information @ LTCI