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Home > What is IQFA ? > Presentation of the GDR

Financial, administrative, and technical support

by Sebastien_Tanzilli - published on , updated on

The GDR - IQFA is financially supported by the CNRS Institutes of Physics (INP) and of System Science & Engineering (INSIS).
The obtained amount of money helps organizing IQFA’s colloquiums and related conferences and actions.

The Laboratoire de Physique de la Matière Condensée (LPMC, Nice) has supported the GDR during its first year of existence.
The LPMC also provides the GDR with logistical help for administrative task and website handling.

The University Nice Sophia Antipolis (UNS) has also supported financially the GDR during its fisrt year of existence.
Moreover, the GDR website is kindly hosted by the Computer Resource Centre of the UNS.