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A cloud of rubidium cold atoms for storage of quantum information

© Amandine Issautier, LPMC, UMR 7336 CNRS / UNS, Nice, France
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A single photon in all its forms !

A single photon in all its forms !

© Sébastien Tanzilli, LPMC, UMR 7336 CNRS / UNS, Nice, France
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For more details, see F. Kaiser et al., "Entanglement-Enabled Delayed-Choice (...)

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Hybrid photonic circuit for multiplexed heralded single photons

Hybrid photonic circuit for multiplexed heralded single photons

© Barnard Gay-Para, LPMC, UMR 7336 CNRS / UNS, Nice, France
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For more details, see T. Meany et al., "Hybrid photonic circuit for multiplexed (...)

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PPLN waveguide under red laser illumination

PPLN waveguide under red laser illumination

© Sébastien Tanzilli, LPMC, UMR 7336 CNRS / UNS, Nice, France
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Single-molecule magnet qubit based transistor

Single-molecule magnet qubit based transistor

© S. Thiele, Institut Néel - CNRS, Grenoble, France, and C. Grupe, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT), Germany
See online Science magazine 344, no. 6188, pp. 1135-1138 (2014)
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