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Optical Frequency Metrology (FOP)

by Sebastien_Tanzilli - published on

Main contact : Sébastien Bize
Other contacts : Ouali Acef
Luigi De Sarlo
Rodolphe Le Targat
Yann Le Coq
Jérôme Lodewyck
Paul-Eric Pottie

Research activities:

Our research focuses on generating and disseminating optical signals with ultra-high frequency stability and on their applications. This includes researches on optical clocks targeting extreme performances through the use of cold atoms and quantum optics. This also includes the development of ultra-stable laser sources, which are crucial to these optical clocks whilst having a large number of other applications. We study how to adapt these systems for this variety of applications (transportability, industrialization, space environment, etc.).
We also study optical frequency combs, with several orientations: pure metrology, technology, ultra-low noise microwave generation. Our researches also target dissemination of ultra-stable optical carrier signals over large distances (regional and global) by means of coherent optical links, either with optical fibers or in free space for ground-to-space links.
We also work on all possible applications: pure metrology, novel clocks for a future redefinition of the Second of the International System of Units, tests of fundamental physical laws and of Einstein’s General Relativity, space devices and participation to space missions like ACES or STE-QUEST.
We are also interested in new applications allowed by the fast improvements of these methods. For instance, in the future, optical clocks can be used as innovative sensors for relativistic geodesy or for realizing coordinated timescales with the highest level of performance in the curved space-time of the Earth.

For more information: see online FOP @ SYRTE