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Newsletter n°10 / July 2014

by Sebastien_Tanzilli - published on , updated on

Newsletter n°10 / July 2014

Dear All,

— Two important points are outlined in the following —

1. Organization of the 5th Colloquium of the GDR - IQFA

We are pleased to announce the organization of the 5th Colloquium of the GDR - IQFA that will take place in Lyon.

- When ? 17th to 19th of November 2014;
- Where ? ENS Lyon, Theater Mérieux (Access);
- Deadlines for registration and abstract submission : 26th of September 2014, 12h00 Paris time;
- In collaboration with the GDR Cold Atoms.

- The main objective of the colloquium, organized at ENS Lyon, is to gather all the various communities working in Quantum Information, and to permit, along 3 days, to exchange on both the foundations of, and recent advances in, the field.

- The colloquium will be organized along 4 communication modes:

  • Tutorial talks (1h), having a clear pedagogical purpose, on the very foundations and most advanced applications of the field;
  • Invited talks (30’) on the current hot topics within the strategic thematics (ARTs) identified by the GDR - IQFA. This year again, the Scientific Committee (see below) calls for poster contributions only. Among all the received poster contributions, the Committee will select a tens of them to be upgraded as oral/invited contributions;
  • Poster sessions to give the youngest the opportunity to present their work to the entire community, again within the strategic thematics (ARTs) indentified by the GDR - IQFA;
  • A Broad Audience Communication, given by Prof. Jean Dalibard (Collège de France), will provide both an overview and related perspectives on cold-atom based quantum systems.

- Confirmed tutorial speakers are:

  • Pr. Dr. Gerd Leuchs (Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light, Erlangen, Germany),
  • Pr. G. Fève (Lab. Pierre Aigrain, ENS Paris, France),
  • Pr. Dr. Klaus Sengstock (Insitut für Laserphysik, Hamburg University, Germany),
  • Pr. Dr. Dieter Meschede (Institut für Angewandte Physik, Bonn University, Germany),
  • Dr. John Morton (Quantum Spin Dynamics, University College London, UK),
  • Dr. Cyril Branciard (Institut Néel, Grenoble, France),
  • Pr. Dr. Mathias Troyer (Institute for Theoretical Physics, ETH Zurich, Switzerland),

- To know everything about this colloquium, you are invited to click on the following links related to:

2. Reminder

The presentations of the tutorials and invited talks of the 4th Colloquium of the GDR, held at the University Paris Diderot - Paris 7, are online and available for download.

To view and download them, please follow the corresponding link Presentations of the Paris 7 Colloquium available for download.

Looking forward to seeing a lot of participants in Lyon, and wishing you a pleasant summer,

Best regards,



On behalf of the boards of the GDRs IQFA & AF.