Dear All,
— Two important points are outlined in the following —
1. Organization of the 5th Colloquium of the GDR - IQFA
We are pleased to announce the organization of the 5th Colloquium of the GDR - IQFA that will take place in Lyon.
When ? 17th to 19th of November 2014;
Where ? ENS Lyon, Theater Mérieux (Access);
Deadlines for registration and abstract submission : 26th of September 2014, 12h00 Paris time;
In collaboration with the GDR Cold Atoms.
The main objective of the colloquium, organized at ENS Lyon, is to gather all the various communities working in Quantum Information, and to permit, along 3 days, to exchange on both the foundations of, and recent advances in, the field.
The colloquium will be organized along 4 communication modes:
- Tutorial talks (1h), having a clear pedagogical purpose, on the very foundations and most advanced applications of the field;
- Invited talks (30’) on the current hot topics within the strategic thematics (ARTs) identified by the GDR - IQFA. This year again, the Scientific Committee (see below) calls for poster contributions only. Among all the received poster contributions, the Committee will select a tens of them to be upgraded as oral/invited contributions;
- Poster sessions to give the youngest the opportunity to present their work to the entire community, again within the strategic thematics (ARTs) indentified by the GDR - IQFA;
- A Broad Audience Communication, given by Prof. Jean Dalibard (Collège de France), will provide both an overview and related perspectives on cold-atom based quantum systems.
Confirmed tutorial speakers are:
- Pr. Dr. Gerd Leuchs (Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light, Erlangen, Germany),
- Pr. G. Fève (Lab. Pierre Aigrain, ENS Paris, France),
- Pr. Dr. Klaus Sengstock (Insitut für Laserphysik, Hamburg University, Germany),
- Pr. Dr. Dieter Meschede (Institut für Angewandte Physik, Bonn University, Germany),
- Dr. John Morton (Quantum Spin Dynamics, University College London, UK),
- Dr. Cyril Branciard (Institut Néel, Grenoble, France),
- Pr. Dr. Mathias Troyer (Institute for Theoretical Physics, ETH Zurich, Switzerland),
To know everything about this colloquium, you are invited to click on the following links related to:
- The announcement of the colloquium: IQFA/AF - ENS Lyon - Official Website, or on the IQFA website IQFA/AF - ENS Lyon - IQFA website;
- The mandatory registration form to the colloquium IQFA/AF - ENS Lyon - Registration;
- The webpage of the Theater Mérieux at ENS Lyon to know how to join us.
2. Reminder
The presentations of the tutorials and invited talks of the 4th Colloquium of the GDR, held at the University Paris Diderot - Paris 7, are online and available for download.
To view and download them, please follow the corresponding link Presentations of the Paris 7 Colloquium available for download.
Looking forward to seeing a lot of participants in Lyon, and wishing you a pleasant summer,
Best regards,
On behalf of the boards of the GDRs IQFA & AF.