Dear All,
— Two important points are outlined in the following —
1. Organization of the 1st Workshop of the GDR - IQFA.
Following the School of Physics that we have organized last March in Nice, and which has been very successful with the youngest, the GDR - IQFA is organizing its 1st Workshop in Paris:
When ? : 23rd to 25th of November 2011;
Where ? : Institut Henri Poincaré (IHP);
Deadlines for registration and abstract submission : 30th of September 2011.
The objective of the workshop is to gather all the various communities working in Quantum Information, and to permit, along 3 days, to exchange on the recent advances in the field.
The workshop will be organized along 4 communication modes:
- invited talks, having a clear pedagogical purpose, on the very foundations and most advanced applications of the field;
- contributed talks on the current hot topics within the strategic thematics (ARTs) identified by the GDR - IQFA;
- poster sessions to give the youngest the opportunity to present their work to the entire community, again within the strategic thematics (ARTs) identified by the GDR - IQFA;
- a round table dedicated to the way quantum physics is taught through quantum information.
Confirmed invited speakers are:
Prof. Sandu Popescu (University of Bristol), Prof. Nicolas Cerf (Université Libres de Bruxelles), Prof. Valerio Scarani (National University of Singapore), Prof. Ian Walmsley (University of Oxford), Prof. Lieven Vandersypen (TU Delft), Prof. Trey Porto (NIST - Gaithersburg, UNM), and Prof. Daniel Estève (CEA- Saclay).
To know all about this workshop, you are invited to click on the following links related to:
- The announcement of the workshop:;
- The registration form;
- The webpage of the Institut Henri Poincaré IHP to know how to reach this place.
2. The presentations of the tutorials and invited talks of the 1st colloquium/school of physics of the GDR in Nice are now online and available for download.
To view and download them, please follow the corresponding link here.
Looking forward to seeing a lot of participants to this workshop, and wishing you a pleasant summer,
Best regards,
On behalf of the board of the GDR - IQFA.