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Transverse Engineering and Methods - TEM

by Jean Etesse - published on , updated on

- Leaders

Alexei Ourjoumtsev & Matias Urdampiletta

- Aims of this thematic

This axis gathers scientific and technical versatile works, whose scope cannot (at least yet) be restricted to one of the other thematic axes. It can for instance be related to:

  • The development of modelization techniques for strongly correlated systems,
  • The study of new physical platforms for encoding quantum information, the improvement of existing ones, or the efforts aiming at their integration in multifunctional systems,
  • Theoretical and experimental works on quantum system control, and their interaction with the environment,
  • Signal processing techniques, at the quantum shot noise limit,
  • Optical, electronical or computing systems realizations allowing to improve the dynamical control of quantum systems.