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Nanosystèmes quantiques (qnD)

par Sebastien_Tanzilli - publié le

Contact principal : Christophe Couteau
Autres contacts : Sylvain Blaize
Rafael Salas
Jérôme Plain
Davy Gérard
Renaud Bachelot

Description des activités de recherche :

qnD is a research activity hosted by the Laboratory for Nanotechnology, Instrumentation and Optics (LNIO). The LNIO is a laboratory of one of the French Technological Universities in Troyes (UTT) in the Champagne region in France. qnD means quantum nanodevices and we work on quantum properties of nanostructures in order to make or to study new devices that have both nano AND quantum properties. We look into making new nanodevices with quantum properties. We have currently three main projects running : - Photoconduction gain in nanowires (NanoGain), Strong coupling regime and plasmonics and Nanophotonics with single photons sources.

Pour en savoir plus : voir en ligne qnD