Coherent and Nonlinear Optics
Main contact: Philippe Roussignol Other contacts: Jérome Tignon Carole Diederichs
Research activities:
The "Coherent and Non Linear Optics" group is interested in the optical properties of (...)
Home > What is IQFA ? > Involved laboratories > Paris & metropolitan area > Laboratoire Pierre Aigrain (LPA)
LPA, UMR 8551 of CNRS / Ecole Normale Supérieure de Paris University Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris 6, Paris, France
Main contact: Philippe Roussignol Other contacts: Jérome Tignon Carole Diederichs
Research activities:
The "Coherent and Non Linear Optics" group is interested in the optical properties of (...)
Main contact: Gerald Bastard
Research activities:
This activity is organized in two teams which are both working in strong interaction with the laboratory experimental groups:
The team (...)