Atom Optics
Main contact: Chris Westbrook Other contacts: Alain Aspect Laurent Sanchez-Palencia
Research activities:
One broad general theme of our work is the exploration of analogies between optics (...)
Home > What is IQFA ? > Involved laboratories > Paris & metropolitan area > Laboratoire Charles Fabry de l’Institut d’Optique Graduate School (LCFIO)
LCFIO, UMR 8501 of CNRS / University Paris Sud - 11 / IOGS, Palaiseau, France
Main contact: Chris Westbrook Other contacts: Alain Aspect Laurent Sanchez-Palencia
Research activities:
One broad general theme of our work is the exploration of analogies between optics (...)
Main contact: Philippe Grangier Other contacts: Antoine Browaeys Thierry Lahaye Rosa Tualle-Brouri Ivan Sortais
Research activities:
Quantum optics, or study of quantum properties of light, (...)