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Newsletter n°2 / October 2010

by Sebastien_Tanzilli - published on , updated on

Newsletter n°2 / October 2010

Dear all,

We first would like to thank Jean-Philippe Poizat for his help in building a mailing list as large and accurate as possible.

Here are some complementary informations regarding the GDR "Information Quantique : Fondements & Applications (IQFA)".

You can now find along the GDR webpages:
- A new section called "conférences & workshops" that gathers all the conferences in the field of quantum information that we learnt about and that are held either in France or i other countries.
Feel free to let us know about the conferences you are organizing if you want them to appear on the GDR website.

- A new section called "Mailing list" is now available online.
The procedures to subscribe or unsubscribe to this mailing list are given.
NB: People who received the Newsletter emails are already part of the list. It is therefore not necessary to subscribe.
This section will also be dedicated to archiving all the Newsletters of the GDR - IQFA.

- A new section "Archives" is also online. It solely contains, for the moment, informations on the former GDR "Information & Communication Quantique" directed by J.-P. Poizat.

- The section "Useful links" is now provided with a sub-section entitled "National & European projects".
You can send us some little summaries of your past or ongoing projects if you want them to appear on the GDR website.

Feel free to send all your propositions - available post-doctoral and Ph-D positions, pictures for the gallery, project summaries, modifications for your "tema summaries" - to gdriqfa_admin.

Your job offers wil then be sent via the mailing list!


For the GDR - IQFA board