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Materials, Nonlinear Optics and Plasmonics

by Sebastien_Tanzilli - published on , updated on

Main contact: Benoit Boulanger

Research activities:

Our research group gathers a complete chain of competences that goes from the design of new materials to the conception of optical devices: chemical engineering of non centrosymmetric compounds with laser and nonlinear optical properties; confined nucleation and growth of molecular luminescent nanocrystals in sol-gel matrices or emulsions; elaboration of amorphous luminescent thin films, crystal growth in solution at low (close to room temperature) and high temperatures (flux method); crystal quality characterization by X-ray topography; measurement of single crystals parametric nonlinear optical properties, of laser properties; synthesis and study of new states of light; conception of parametric optical devices; production and control of strong electromagnetic fields at a sub-wavelength scale at air/metal or dielectric/metal interfaces.
This very broad range of competences enable us to be very reactive weither it is to conceive new materials or the application of new properties in the highly competitive field of laser optics.

For more information: see online ONL @ Néel